Sunday 30 December 2018


Here is a powerful way to avoid getting let down by people... Stop leaning on them! They are not responsible for your happiness, your health, your meaning or your worth. Neither are they responsible for how your day begins and ends. Don’t put that pressure on them. They won’t be able to hold it for too long because it is not their job! Stop leaning and began to Creep Up like a Fighter! You are fully capable of being that very person you are wanting others to be for you, cheers!

Saturday 24 November 2018

The Top Skills Every Entrepreneur Needs


What does it take to be successful starting your own small business? Here are the 8 skills every successful entrepreneur has in common:
1.      Resiliency. The ability to weather the ups and downs of any business since it never goes exactly the way the business plan described it. This skill enables the entrepreneur to keep going when the outlook is bleak.
2.     Focus. After setting a long term vision, knowing how to “laser focus” on the very next step to get closer to the ultimate goal. There are so many distracting forces when trying to build a business that this skill is not easy to master.
3.     Invest for the long-term. Most Entrepreneurs are not patient and focus only on what comes next, rather than where the company needs to go. Overnight success may take 7 to 10 years. Entrepreneurs need to stop, pause and plan on a quarterly basis.
4.     Find and manage people. Only by learning to leverage employees, vendors and other resources will an entrepreneur build a scalable company. They need to learn to network to meet the right people. Entrepreneurs strive to guarantee they will get honest and timely feedback from all these sources.
5.     Sell. Every entrepreneur is a sales person whether they want to be or not. They are either selling their ideas, products or services to customers, investors or employees. They work to be there when customers are ready to buy. Alternately, they know how to let go and move on when they are not.
6.     Learn. Successful entrepreneurs realize they don’t know everything and the market is constantly changing. They stay up to date on new systems, technology, and industry trends.
7.     Self-reflection. Allow downtime to reflect on the past and plan for the future. Always working only leads to burnout physically and emotionally.
8.     Self-reliance: While there is a lot of help for the entrepreneur, in the end, they need to be resourceful enough to depend on themselves.
What do you think it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?

Monday 27 August 2018


Being alone. So many people across the world fear being alone or dying alone that they accept things they shouldn’t just to say they are accepted or loved by someone. Now there is nothing wrong with being accepted  and loved but when you allow yourself to be in a position that you know is no good for you or does not aid in your growth as a human being, you need to take a step back away and evaluate your fear or belief system.

Relationships are important as we are social beings and we need to be. But relationships should be based on alignment of ones lifestyle or path not based on mere convenience. Many people miss their aim in life because they aim too low due to a lack of self worth. They choose people or groups because it’s easier to blend in than stand out. Either they are not good SPEAKER or they are not good LISTENER. You need to listen first before enact. Choose accordingly Champs. People do impact us so be mindful of who you are allowing to impact you. You are never alone. Stop letting that fear pull you away from your winning potential. Choose your companions and relationships wisely. I Believe the Champion in You. You've GREATNESS within, cheers!!!
-Josh AKA Ushas Chattopadhyay ~


Stop accepting the term lucky. Did you know that when you do accept it, you are actually saying that you don’t really deserve it or not good enough for it! You were just randomly chosen.. not true! No one rolls into success or fulfillment by accident. It’s all intentional. Every second, every moment, every hour, every day, every week, every month and every year. No days off! It’s a mindset.

Excuse those who blather and give you an excuse because they can’t see the reason why you have come this far and are heading much further. Luck is when tenacity goes head to head with intention! The collision is the impact you will have in this world when you claim that personal space regardless of how many failures you may encounter. Don’t let people undermine your ability to achieve the greatest of things. You were born to win. Need to prove that you have GREATNESS within or not. I Believe the Champion in You, cheers!!!

Let's Discuss-



Your vision, idea or dream is not for vanity! It is to rightfully serve in your own personal style the multitude of humanity. A gift is to give, not to keep. Your responsibility is to find ways to provide your gift to the many who are waiting for you, patiently. Make some noise Buds! Let them hear the sweet sound of your life’s music. Get in tune to you! Create, create and create, you just need to do it! It’s in your DNA to win! I BELIEVE in You. Only You are CAPABLE of that, cause YOU've GREATNESS within, cheers!!!
-Josh AKA Ushas ~

Friday 18 May 2018

Action needs Priority..

Action! What have you done today that is an action step toward your goal, objective or vision? How much time did you spend on it? We must examine ourselves daily to make sure we are stepping toward our vision and not away from it. Avoid saying “I/You don’t have time”. This is an excuse that is used to avoid the actual problem. It is not time that you don’t have but a lack of #Priority. Being busy does not mean you are productive . It just means you are busy. Isn't it..

-Josh AKA Ushas Chattopadhyay ~

#Integrity #Productivity #Priority #Motivation

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Responsibility of anything...

#Responsibility. A word that we should embrace when it comes to succeeding at anything.  Eleanor Roosevelt said that we must do the thing that we think we cannot do. Maya Angelou said, "Nothing works unless you do". Howard Thurman said that we must learn to accept our facts. There is a reoccurring theme going on here. Responsibility. We are responsible for our lives what we dream. Even in a recent seminar in HARVARD University, the youngest entrepreneur Mark Zuckerbarg said that, ideas don't really come up fully formed, they only become clear when we work on them, you just have to get started.

We are responsible for the present and the future. Notice I did not say the past. The past is no longer your responsibility. It’s done. So leave it! Everyday is the day to show your loyalty to your present and personal commitments. This is called responsibility. Success in one’s life is based upon a responsibility, a loyalty to yourself and to your vision. If you are not responsible towards your vision daily, then it will not  trust you to see it fully in the future. We must qualify through daily acts of responsibility. Don't upset me. I still Believe the Champion In You. You've GREATNESS within, cheers!!!

-Josh AKA Ushas Chattopadhyay ~

Thursday 12 April 2018

Fruitful Life!!!


Produce your own kind of fruit! What are you producing and creating from yourself? What is your style of being and doing? Here is some food for thought. Attract those who would enjoy your kind of fruit by not worrying about who may or may not like it. An apple tree produces apples. It does not worry about producing anything else. It’s specifically driven to accomplish what it has been given.

You must first be aware(notice) of your own fruit. Do you know what it looks like, how it feels or even how it taste to you? A chef is always aware of the food that they prepare, cook and serve. You are not exempt from the responsibility of what you serve daily. Trust what you have(talent and abilities) and work to improve the quality of what you produce here with a dedicated attention of your intention. You will attract those who like your kind of fruit. Make sure it’s your kind of fruit! Your life is based on your production. Focus on your qualities. I Believe the Champion in You. You've GREATNESS within, cheers!!!
#success #focus #intent #motivation

-Josh AKA Ushas Chattopadhyay ~

Success Takes Time...


Success takes time. Don't compare where you are now with where you could have been if only you did this "action" sooner. Greatest wisdom you will ever obtain is knowing that you will never know everything. There is not a perfect remedy or solution to every problem because everyone is different. We are all like combination locks with different sequences to unlock our readiness. That's why we all arrive at different phases of life during different times.

Don't pay attention to whose doing more or better. Pay attention to what you are doing and how you can become better. Finding and living your personal life of success takes effort, focus, consistency and patience. This is not a speed race. It's all about not quitting and keeping a steady pace. I Believe the Champion in You. You've GREATNESS within, cheers!!!
-Josh aka Ushas Chattopadhyay ~

Where You Are?


The perfect moment will never come & you'll never feel completely ready. Its our duty to find a perfect balance between careful & patient planning & preparation, and pure, confident action. Realize that you need to start somewhere & make sure you're not using your less than perfect circumstances as an excuse. I Believe your ability, I know only you can do it, cheers!!!

-Josh aka Ushas Chattopadhyay ~

Friday 30 March 2018

"Dummy Words" Have No Meaning...


...But They Do Have a Grammatical Function

In English grammar, a dummy word is a word that has a grammatical function but no specific lexical meaning. Also known as a syntactic expletive or a dummy subject. In English, the verb do is sometimes referred to as the dummy auxiliary or dummy operator.
Examples and Observations
"That first winter, it rains and rains as if we have moved to some foreign place, away from the desert; it rains and it rains, and the water comes up to the back step and I think it will enter the house."
"What do you want out of me? A marriage counselor? All I know is this: nobody's very big in the first place, and it looks to me like everybody spends their whole life tearing everybody else down."
"Everything was so still. Occasionally there were the hums and clicks of a lawnmower or the shrieks of a band of children heading home from school. There were the insects and the birds. It was a straightforward, simple life she had chosen."
"Do" as the Dummy Operator and "It" as a Dummy Subject
"The verb do, used as an auxiliary, is often called the dummy operator because it has no meaning of its own but exists simply to fill the 'slot' of operator when an operator is needed to form (for example) negative or interrogative sentences. In a similar way, it can be called a dummy subject when it fills the subject slot in sentences like: It's a pity that they wasted so much time."
Dummy Pronouns
- "There are also pronouns that don't mean anything at all. Dummy pronouns, they're called, and we come across them all the time (you read one in the previous sentence). They're those pronouns that exist only because the English language demands that each sentence contain a subject: the it in 'It's raining' or the there in 'There is a shed in my back yard.' (Note: the there only works as an example of a dummy pronoun if I am not pointing to a shed, and am nowhere near my back yard.)"

- "In the case of reference, the meaning of a dummy word can be determined by what is imparted before or after the occurrence of the dummy word. In general, the dummy word is a pronoun.
I see Josh is here. He hasn't changed a bit.
She certainly has changed. No, behind Josh. I mean Kanak."

"There" as a Dummy Subject
"By using there as a dummy subject, the writer or speaker can delay introducing the real subject of the sentence. There is called a dummy subject . . . because it has no meaning in itself--its function is to put the real subject in a more prominent position."

Ushas Chattopadhyay ~

Thursday 29 March 2018

How to create creativity!!!


One of the biggest complaints I hear from marketers is that they don’t have what it takes to be creative.
To clarify, they aren’t saying that they, themselves, aren’t creative. In fact, I think most of them are massively creative.
No, what they’re saying by ‘it’ is…that they don’t have the budget, interesting product, team members, agency partner, brand, and on and 'onandonandones'.
What they’re saying, essentially, is that they’re waiting for someone or something else to give them permission to be creative. But permission to be creative only needs to come from one person – you. If you’re inspired to be creative, it doesn’t matter what product you sell, what your boss is like or how big your budget.
Sometimes what we need to be more creative is just a reminder of how beautiful it feels when we’ve done something creative. Sure, an awesome campaign will fit the bill. But so does a wacky doodle in the corner of notepad when we’re on hold. Or laying in the grass and seeing shapes in the clouds.
Creativity doesn’t need to be a Herculean event. But it does need consistent fostering.
For me, I love to hear what highly creative people say about keeping this practice front and center. Here is the best example about creativity to rekindle your creativity regardless of what line of work you’re in.
Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it. as some one famously said that, "None is perfect".
Let us learn a few tricks to handle the situation accordingly while imparting training. Cheers!
– Josh aka Ushas Chattopadhyay ~

Monday 8 January 2018


We lose to ourselves when we try to stay in the “game” of winning the approval, affection and appreciation of others. The rules will never work in your favor if you persist on playing on the wrong side. As soon as you do something for that person(s), there will be something else. The score will never be even. As Hellen Keller would say “what’s worse? Being blind or having eyes and not seeing”. Do not overlook your value because you are blind to your own facts. Be serious to put values at your back. Be real worth at what you do. Are you good enough? If they can’t see that now, they will not see it later. Stay focused & serious on your mission of who you are, why you are here and where the hell you are trying to go. Excuse that language but it’s the truth!
There are 2 choices to reflect upon;
1. Being busy making a living or,
2. Being productive in creating your Life (whatsoever you are doing). You have winning to do. Don't disheartened the persons, who are on your side believing you can win over the odds. I Believe the Champion in You. You've GREATNESS within, cheers!!!
-Josh aka Ushas Chattopadhyay ~